Portal web para observar el uso de las TIC en la Facultad Tecnológica por profesores y estudiantes
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Due to the current context of the pandemic caused by the new covid-19 virus, educational institutions were forced to change their educational strategies, in order to continue with the training of students, for which they are forced to interact with the technological tools to solve these needs. In addition, the institutions are looking for a way to obtain tools that facilitate, both teachers and students, to carry out their educational activities, in order to allow a greater possibility of social development and capacity building in the new world full of technology that is being presented. Therefore, the objective of the research is to develop a technological tool that allows to measure the use of ICT in the Francisco José de Caldas District University of Technology Faculty, arising the need to look for an instrument that allows measuring the use of ICT in a academic community, for which a model was developed that seeks to collect and analyze information through guidelines whose purpose is to determine the level of development of digital competencies of the academic community. The construction of the model to be used was carried out in three phases, in which through a bibliometric analysis the measurement instrument was created which was applied and validated with the academic community.