Identificación de especies invasoras : herramienta en la movilización de acciones en pro del desarrollo sostenible en jóvenes del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá
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Education for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a field that still has many points to explore, the SDGs need a deeper, faster, and more ambitious response to generate the social and environmental transformation necessary to promote compliance with the proposed agenda for the year 2030. For this, an educational component is mainly required that allows the applicability of concepts in everyday life, in this case, biological notions that provide argumentative and reflective tools to young people in circumstances where they are the ones who carry the communicative role. This work sought to mobilize actions for the protection of biodiversity and the life of terrestrial ecosystems (SDG No. 15), with the help of the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogota (JBBJCM) and based on the SDG education primer, which was proposed by UNESCO (2017). An educational intervention was carried out during the induction of students participating in the Environmental Social Service (SSE), with whom a space for socialization was built in which a first approach to learning about biological invasions was evidenced, directing the teaching in the learning objectives (LO) defined for SDG #15, thus contributing to the formation of citizens committed to sustainable development in the city, the country and in Latin America.