El aprendizaje de grupos funcionales con apoyo en TICS y en una reconstrucción histórica de la química orgánica
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Science education has always been a central focus of interest in educational research. From this fact, questions have been generated to face the challenge of teaching at the school level. In particular, one of the strategies deployed for the improvement of science teaching is the inclusion of history and epistemology as an alternative to encourage students to appropriate and use relevant scientific knowledge that allows them to understand beyond the simple acquisition of information about the contents addressed in the classroom and not only that, going through a pandemic created a change in the way of teaching, For this, different methods and instruments had to be used to support the teaching and learning processes, among these, technological tools that favored a better development of the classes, however, when returning to the face-to-face teaching and learning model, many of these alternatives were forgotten, returning to the traditional model and classroom strategies fell back to a classic teaching standard. Education must always be revolutionary from the way it is taught, it must always seek evolution, so this research project seeks to articulate the history and epistemology of science, in this case of organic chemistry, this together with information and communication technologies, in order to develop teaching and learning processes of natural sciences more meaningful for students so that they really appropriate knowledge in a familiar way to their context, since today's students are children of the digital age and this fact cannot be overlooked.