Apoyo en la implementación de un sistema de información del manejo de la vida silvestre de las áreas protegidas de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia: un acercamiento para la visualización de la información de liberación y tráfico de fauna y flora, especies exóticas y conflictos de fauna silvestre
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This work presents the results of the construction process of the information system for the management of wildlife in the protected areas of the National Natural Parks of Colombia - PNNNC. In the development of the report, information derived from the review of the themes of the national conservation programs, exotic species - invasive and domestic, release of wild fauna, fauna-people interaction, illegal trafficking of fauna and flora is presented. and other advances in the management and conservation of other species present in the protected areas. On the other hand, the phases carried out in the spaces of structuring databases and construction of geographic information that spatializes wthat is obtained from each of the themes in the protected areas of PNNC in the national territory are presented and an approach is provided in the visualization of said information through the generation of informative content, dynamic content and geographic viewers.