Aplicación Web para la gestión de la información de los predios del servicio de gas natural en la Ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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This document presents the development of a tool based on a geographic web application called GEOBOG, which facilitates the visualization, consultation and capture of information in the field of the properties that do not have the natural gas service in the localities of the center of Bogotá D.C., making use of software reuse, and implementing an agile development methodology in its different phases of the project. This with the purpose of optimizing the process of collecting information on the ground, because currently the process consists of capturing certain attributes of the property such as: address, use, economic destination, existing public services, the existence of gauges of gas, the road axes, among others, by means of physical plans where the people who visit these zones manually fill out the previously related information, which has repercussions in reprocessing and little structuring in the capture process.