Herramienta educativa que aporta a la conservación y concientización de especies nativas y exóticas de decápodos en Bogotá
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Colombia has great biodiversity, however, most people are not aware of the responsibility that this implies, the lack of appropriation and recognition of the territory in which they live are some of the main causes responsible for the suffering and disappearance of native species. Thanks to the processes of population awareness through joint work with the community, aspects are being improved that allow people to appropriate their duties and exercise in their day-to-day practices that contribute to the conservation of these species. Specifically in the city of Bogotá there are two species of decapods, a native Neostrengeria macropa and an exotic Procambarus clarkii, many people do not know them or recognize their more general characteristics, nor do they know that the native species is currently in danger mainly due to the commercial use that the community has given it and the sharing of habitat with the exotic species generates disadvantages. The present work aims to generate an educational tool that is easy to understand and access because it is necessary for the inhabitants of the city to appropriate the native fauna and get involved in learning processes for their conservation. The pilot test of the tool was carried out with two groups; a group of young eighth and ninth grade students from the Shekinah Christian Gymnasium and the other group were young students of the first semesters of the biology degree program of the District University, the work was carried out in four stages which were: design and creation, population recognition, application and visualization of effectiveness. The result of this test was positive because it was observed that the population presented an appropriation of the information after contact with the tool, which concludes that it is an optimal strategy to treat this type of problem together with the community.