Informe de pasantía: Fotografía e imagen, reflexión dentro de las narrativas familiares en la construcción del patrimonio
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This document is written taking into account Agreement 038 of July 28, 2015, issued by the Francisco José de Caldas District University, related to the regulation of degree work to qualify for the undergraduate degree. The following report corresponds to the internship carried out at the Arborizadora Baja school tomorrow, in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, during the period between January 2023 and May of the same year. It is part of the degree requirement to qualify for the title of Bachelor of Social Sciences at the District University. This internship was carried out in the academic space of the Pedagogical Project and Systematization of Experiences I, II and III, guided by Professor Omar Garzón. Likewise, this document provides a description of the activities carried out with the students of grades 901, 902 and 903 of the Institución Educativa Distrital Arborizadora Baja, directed by Professor Sonia Delgado, who, by 2022, was the head of the area of High school Social Sciences, however by 2023, she became course director of grade 903. The internship was consolidated based on the proposal "heritage and cultural heritage of Bogotá", through family photography as an artistic expression that keeps elements common in the construction of the city's memory. Family photography is emphasized as heritage and cultural heritage, with the image represented as an archival documentary source, through which characteristics of the family environment are described that house narratives and illustrations that contribute to cultural dissemination. Returning to the family album is a symbol of historical memory (Rodríguez Chacón, 2016) that family units keep as a compilation exercise of experiences and their own information, since photography allows us to show patterns within the social and economic aspect, which describe the temporary situation of the family. “Photography also links and makes a connection between people, it is an emotional and complex state that captivates the viewer, the photographic image causes many sensations and also compromises feelings, which refers to human perception.” (Rodríguez Chacón, 2016, page 30).Inherent characteristics were evident within the photography, which at first were not taken into consideration to encompass the complexity of the subject. One of them; It is the relationship with the spatial narrative that each individual maintains when observing an image, where specific memories and moments of a specific occasion are evoked, because people describe the reason and why of the photograph, which gives us an explanation precise, the setting, clothing, date and time of the portrait. In order for students to make these aspects visible within photography, the activities were adapted to the curricular guidelines required by the educational institution, however, without omitting the central axis of our research. From this, the direction of the classes was focused on two aspects, which were coordinated together so as not to generate plot gaps: History of Colombia in the 20th century and family photography as inheritance and heritage. The activities were an essential part of the pedagogical project, highlighting the narrative and personal experiences of family, friends and acquaintances of the students, in the construction and union of the topics worked on. The anecdotal compilation was developed as follows, 1: Without overlooking the educational conditions that the school required, what was sought was a common thread that will generate a relationship with the parents and the topics that were being developed in the classroom, In this way, the students came home with clear concepts to investigate, question and “interview” their parents, grandparents and uncles about a specific topic. 2: With the information together, they did group socialization processes, spaces in which they shared the data with each other. 3: Artistic expressions became a requirement, to be able to express why and what for that specific topic. 4: With the passing of the classes and the experience that was collected with each group, the contents 7 were expanded, likewise, the freedom of the topic to work on during the activities was produced almost autonomously for the students, where They established dialogues and agreements for their choice The activities are part of two specific sections that constitute this document, their description and analysis. In turn, the project is divided into themes and subthemes, such as: Characterization of space, which explains the type of population and spatial context of both the participating individuals and the conditions presented by the school. Objectives, those that demonstrate the achievements we desire with our work and what differentiates it from its predecessors. Planning and development of sessions, a sample of the deliberation discussed for each group, explaining the complexity of being a teacher and the adaptation in the teaching and learning process. Description of results, a polysemic issue, in the sense that each student manages his or her own individuality from a collective subjectivity tied to its culture and heritage. Conclusions, the project was restructured in several moments, consolidating the amalgamation of ideas provided by the teacher guides participating in its formation. Despite everything, a connection was established with the planned objectives, which shaped the culmination of this research.