La valoración del cuerpo: un acercamiento desde las dimensiones del desarrollo corporal y sexual
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The present research project aimed to bring children between 5 and 7 aged of the Fundacion Hogares Club Michín, Diana Turbay service branch, the assessment of the body from the dimentions of corporal and sexual development, in order to have aknowledgment and consciousness of their own body and in this way to contribute to the autonomy for the body from subjectivity. In the same way, the project makes visible the need to articulate the corporal component with the teaching-learning processes by understanding that it is not just head and brain that are involved in learning, but it is the whole body with all its essence of feeling, expressing, communicating that is available for learning. For these purposes, a broad theoretical component was available which reveals the importance of recognizing the body in education, seen not as a way of domain and control, but as a source of expression and communication.