La pobreza: Un análisis semiótico a través de Twitter en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19
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This research is based on a social and historical fact in the world, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and from it, an analysis and approach to language is derived through multimodal discourse analysis (ADM), as a way of approaching and reflection to conceive ways and functions of being and representing in the world. In this way, the Colombian reality in the face of this phenomenon was constituted in a particular way in social networks, especially Twitter, where the factor of poverty is extracted with social, economic, political and discursive variations that position a series of symbolic elements that They allow us to understand the social reality with its dynamics and inequities. Precisely, these elements were installed in devices and social networks to become waves of information that were often not true, but fleeting and saturated with words or data that tried to provide a more consistent and friendly horizon in the face of Covid-19, being stronger the virus of disinformation, aestheticization or covering up and disguising the reality of the country. Therefore, microtexts or tweets are taken up again as a form of social discourse that reflects poverty and inequality in the country, which, through social networks, become aestheticized social representations of reality with a toxic or positive narrative that configures ways of conceiving the current world. Thus, the perception of symbols is also derived as a vital part of social manifestations, accounting for the complexities embedded in the state. These types of problems, in Colombia, were visualized as a kind of game of colors, hung, to draw attention to a protest that, in reality, expressed hunger. From this, it is understood how language in the media leads us towards a continuous displacement of responsibilities, emphasizing toxic positivity, where it is preferable to associate what is correct, admirable or justifiable with actions that the State does not intervene and reflect poverty. , inequality and inequity in the country and even more so in the Covid-19 pandemic.