El papel de la conceptualización teórica sobre aspectos biológicos en la construcción de conciencia ambiental a través de la práctica de servicio social ambiental del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis
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The Social Environmental Service (hereinafter SSA) of the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá (hereinafter JBB) has two stages of development: a formative one and a practical one that involves the development of environmental initiatives by the participating students. Environmental awareness is "the system of experiences, knowledge and experiences that the individual actively uses in his/her relationship with the environment" (Gomera et al., 2012) and takes into account the following dimensions: affective, cognitive, conative and active. The concepts that were identified in the students' projects fully correspond to those taken into account during the formative process of the JBB SSA program, in this, the concepts were evidenced and classified into one or more of the dimensions of environmental awareness that can lead to their construction. The relationship between concepts learned and the products obtained by the students in interaction with the construction of environmental awareness was described insofar as the students mostly relate basic concepts associated with the SSA formative process. In many cases, the topic of contamination was a conceptual tool that potentiated training, since it involves not only the cognitive aspects but also the affective aspects of environmental awareness. It was possible to analyze the role of previous conceptualization in the process of formulation of proposals by the students, showing an understanding of topics and a personal interaction with each one, specifically the one related to each project. The SSA requires other aspects associated with motivation and awareness of environmental issues without which, it remains a discourse that is not internalized by the students and loses all character of training environmental leaders to become just another academic space. It is recommended that the program migrates to a dynamic where students have a broader interaction with natural spaces not only in their immediate surroundings but, in general, with spaces in the city. It would be of greater scope to ensure that the activities for the development of skills towards the environment are based on an individual construction. In addition, promoting motivation is very important in educational institutions, especially since it is evident that in students who are independently involved, the motivation factor is strengthened and is evidenced in their results obtained in each project. It would be useful to include in the program development material a focus on meaningful learning, since as a teaching model it directly complements the conceptualization processes and therefore favors the formation of one of the most important skills of an environmental leader: environmental awareness.