Conocimientos etnozoológicos en la comunidad Mhuysqa de la vereda Boativá del municipio de Sesquilé Cundinamarca. Profundización dentro de los saberes ancestrales.
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The first approaches to the world and the beings that inhabit it, come mostly from experiences and legacies that pass from generation to generation through the word, colloquial knowledge and ancestral knowledge that forge a way of personal formation of how we see and We understand our environment, in addition to highlighting and providing an important value of the relationship we as human beings have with other living beings; Is where ethnozoology plays an essential role in the collection of all these knowledge and interactions. Therefore, the following project was carried out in the Vereda Boitivá in the municipality of Sesquilé in the department of Cundinamarca where, thanks to the Mhuysqa community established there and its ancestral knowledge about zoology in general, either because of its relationship with the Individuals located around the area, or with the symbolic legacy and which have remained different representations in each of the generations of the community, was able to know more about their culture and worldview. The natives attribute a meaning to each living being that lives with them, so they delved into each one of them through informal interviews of the unstructured or open type. The internal organization of the community made it possible to divide the interview into three groups: poporeros, women and young people; A survey was made of the individuals mentioned in the interview records, which allowed a better identification of the animals within the knowledge of the community, as well as emphasizing the cultural, natural and spiritual value of each of these beings , Regardless of their size, habits or geographical location, so that within their representations are animals that do not inhabit the Cundiboyacense plateau or have not seen them in their area, but thanks to the transmission of the word, Mainly by the elderly, has extended its ancestral legacy. Among the main animals are recognized as the fox, jaguar, armadillo, frog, hummingbird, snake, spider, eagle, deer. Subsequently, the information found to make the final document was integrated, which included the elaboration of illustrated pictures, each one with the graphic representation of each individual collected in the interviews with their common name and the name in Mhuysqa language, Language muysccubun, accompanied by the information provided by the community about each of them, with which it is intended to disseminate and share this knowledge within the classrooms to rescue our cultural heritage and recognize the importance of the knowledge of communities Indigenous to society.