Apoyar e implementar las actividades en los procesos de estratificación socioeconómica, nomenclatura urbana y de uso del suelo mediante el análisis espacial. Municipio Guasca Cundinamarca
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This project supports and implements activities in the processes of socioeconomic stratification, urban nomenclature, and land use through spatial analysis in the Municipality of Guasca Cundinamarca. For the socioeconomic stratification, it is carried out following the methodology of implementation and updating stipulated by DANE, both for rural and urban areas. On the one hand, the first zone through field visits and physical qualification of the property, to assign a socioeconomic stratum through the ES_RURAL software. On the other hand, for the rural area, the observations given by DANE are analyzed and corrected, to purify the information, to complete the first stage and make the socialization with the Standing Committee on Stratification. In addition to this, it makes the diagnosis of all the properties of the municipal seat, due to the high degree of outdatedness, six areas of the urban area are formed and updated by means of spatial analysis and field visits, following the nomenclature manual. The resulting information is integrated into the Geographical Information System more specifically on an urban cadastral basis for the results to be applied to subsequent processes. Finally, the different uses of the land stipulated by the current regulation of the municipality in the urban area and the rural area of this are analyzed, for all those users who request to know the uses of the land on their property have detailed and explicit information. The foregoing to improve the organization and planning of the Municipality of Guasca.