Compilación de los ocho documentos de metaevaluación, producidos en pasantía durante el 2018, del proyecto curricular Especialización En Gerencia De Proyectos Educativos Institucionales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
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The work consisted of reading the eight internship documents of metaevaluación 2018 of the Especialización en Proyectos Educativos Institucionales, removing the sections that incurred in repetition of one another, correcting matters of style and reorganizing the information to give it sequence and unity. The eight self-assessment factors to which the aforementioned documents correspond are: students and teachers; academic processes and curricular guidelines; scientific research, technological development, innovation and professional performance of high quality; environment and relevance; internationalization, strategic alliances and insertion in global scientific networks; welfare and institutional environment; graduates; physical resources and administrative and financial management.