Implementación de estrategias pedagógicas de tipo audiovisual y artístico en estudiantes de grado décimo y once que conlleve a la conservación de los humedales de Bogotá D.C.
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This document presents the activities realized in the process carried out with the Bogotá Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis (Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis) (JBBJCM) in the first semester of 2021, the objective of the process focused on generating in the students of the Environmental Social Service (Servicio Social Ambiental)(SSA) of the JBB sense of appropriation of wetlands as part of their city, motivating them to artistic and audiovisual production allowing the dissemination of pertinent information related to the care and conservation of wetlands and other urban ecosystem elements as biodiversity spaces. In the SSA, the population participating in the process was made up of ninth, tenth and eleventh grade students from three schools, one private and two public in Bogotá, belonging to the SSA of the educational and cultural subdirectorate (Subdirección Educativa y Cultural) (SEC) of the JBB. Various activities were carried out during the months of April, May and June. Initially, a diagnostic test was applied that evidenced the preconceptions in the social servants regarding the environmental problems of Bogotá, later proposals of initiatives from the students were received, which were oriented by projects, complementary activities were carried out to raise awareness of the care of the environment. Finally, a test was applied on the thematic axes of ecological structure seeking to determine the subsequent knowledge with the approaches of biodiversity, main ecological structure, vegetation cover and climate change. Additionally, an environmental gathering was held to socialize the work of social servants. The methodology implemented in the environmental education processes was project-oriented learning. For its execution, the work consisted of the following phases: accompaniment to the meetings, monitoring of the technical sheets, review of progress, environmental gathering and closing. The following results were observed: promotion and orientation of environmental initiatives focused on the recognition of environmental problems, dissemination of scientific information through different audiovisual and artistic elements. A broader perspective on the environmental context of their city was generated in the students, proposing direct approaches with more relevant aspects, successful completion of the internship carried out with the Botanical Garden of Bogotá.