Estado del arte equipos de trabajo: enfoque cuantitativo, características e identificación de variables que afectan la eficiencia
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Introduction: This article is the result of the research project of the Group in Business Management and Technological Innovation (GEIT) of the District University Francisco José de Caldas, about the "state of the art of work teams: quantitative approach, characteristics and identification of variables that affect the efficiency "developed between 2016 and 2017. The objective of the research was to determine and know the characteristics of the work teams and make an identification to know the variables that affect their efficiency. Methodology: Academic works were used that were published from the year 2010 on, in the references there are some exceptions. We used specialized databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, Redalyc, among others. Results: 57 articles were found among articles, monographs and others that complied with the guidelines of the research, additional great advantages were found when using work teams in organizations. Conclusion: The variables found are a way to measure teamwork. The implications of this finding can be used for a mathematical model or for a series of indicators that allow contact with the results at the team level since it is advocated all the time for teamwork, but its quantification is short in the literature, With this contribution, the quantification of the benefits of the work team is promoted.