Recolección, sistematización y análisis de experiencias pedagógicas en el diplomado de formación musical nivel avanzado diálogos creativos Ministerio de Cultura Regional Palmira-Valle
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The Ministerio de Cultura through the National Plan of Music to Coexistence (PlanNacional de Música para la Convivencia) and in a company of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and the Fondo Mixto de cultura de Boyacá, have impulse a musical formation component directed to the music teachers of the country with the aim of improving their ways of contact in regard to musical practices, and their pedagogical methods in order to have better artistic, social and culture quality. The Musical Formation Guidelines tendered by Ministerio de Cultura since 2015, have taken place in different regions of the country with the aim of recollecting, systematizing and analyzing all the possible information about the activities carried out in Palmira-Valle, in relation to the musical formation guidelines proposed by Culture Ministry and the Plan Nacional de Música para la Convivencia program. Concerting this case, it is been considered specifically the investigation of the southwest region of Palmira-Valle in 2018, whit the Musical Formation Guideline Advanced Level Creative Interactions. This degree work began under a theoretical and methodological foundation to later collect information on the activities carried out in Palmira –Valle. With the analysis of the collected information, the intention is to evidence the tensions found among the institutional proposal, advisers’ practices, participant teachers, activities, methodologies and the surrounding, to later make a socialization of these analyzes.