Apoyo en el análisis espacial para proyectos de ingeniería dentro del grupo de geomática y predial de la Compañía WSP Colombia S.A.S.
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The degree work entitled "Support in Spatial Analysis for Engineering Projects Within the Geomatics and Property Group of the WSP Colombia S.A.S. It was carried out under the modality of internship by the student William Felipe Huertas García identified with institutional code 20152025014 and citizenship card 1022408833 of Bogotá D.C. belonging to the Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy project, the student during the development of the internship had the support of the teacher Carlos German Ramírez Ramos and the professional William Ramírez Salas, from the roles of internal and external director respectively. The degree work entitled "Support in Spatial Analysis for Engineering Projects Within the Geomatics and Property Group of the WSP Colombia S.A.S. It consisted in the realization of the different cartographic products associated with the projects that the Geomatics and Property Group was in charge of, where in addition, for each of these products, a spatial analysis was carried out aimed at the correct support of the environmental studies necessary for the approval of the environmental license, thus complying with the objectives set at the beginning of the internship.