Viabilidad económica ambiental del aprovechamiento de las excretas de bovinos y porcinos para la producción de biogás en la finca El Recuerdo en el municipio de Quipile, Cundinamarca
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Quipile, Cundinamarca is a municipality that produces and consumes panela on a large scale, in which the majority of its inhabitants carry out a careful organic and natural procedure for its production with little technology, making this a traditional and artisanal product of which a large number of families obtain daily sustenance with the manufacture and distribution of this food. However, in the sugar mills large amounts of waste are generated that mainly affect the atmospheric component; The panela burner, on the other hand, is the most common form of combustion in these sugar mills, it is carried out by reusing the dry bagasse produced in the grinding stage; The lack of control in this phase, the purchase of firewood as a secondary source of combustion and the empirical quantification of the materials and inputs necessary for the manufacture of panela by the producers, are the main causes of this type of environmental impact among the farmers. which gases are emitted into the atmosphere such as CO2, CO, NOx, SO2 and particulate matter, in addition this kind of fuel decreases the performance of the production process, raising the costs associated with it. Therefore, the purpose of this research project focuses on determining the economic and environmental feasibility of implementing a biodigester fed from bovine and swine excreta for the "El Recuerdo" farm specifically, located in this municipality that has as its purpose the generation of clean energy by biomass since it is a timely measure that not only leads to improvements in the environmental field, but also reduces production costs, reduces the amount of agrochemicals used in planting, minimizes the amount of waste generated in production and in turn satisfies the amount of household gas demanded by the farm.