Percepciones de los estudiantes de inglés sobre el aprendizaje para enseñar a estudiantes culturalmente diversos en la experiencia práctica
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This qualitative research study describes the reflections that three English student teachers had upon Community-based Pedagogies (CBP) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) during their practicum. Thus, through professional development sessions the participants were invited to reflect upon the value of using community and cultural resources for teaching and to include such sources in their lesson planning by linking them with the Colombian Basic Learning Rights. By using a qualitative approach to analysis through open, axial and selective coding, I analyzed the data that resulted from the observation I did to their classes, the professional development sessions, their lesson plans, their practicum final paper and presentation and a semi-structured interview. The findings evidence that the English student teachers had their practicum in a privileged place surrounded by valuable socio-cultural and natural resources and their population was culturally diverse. Such factors characterized a third space that enhanced their learning to teach process by reflecting on the value of using CBP and CRT for teaching. Finally, student teachers made an attempt to act based on their reflection supported by the cooperating teachers, the researcher and the practicum advisor. This practicum experience, framed within an institutional research project, may have implications for student teachers’ further teaching experiences.