Levantamiento topográfico, aerofotogramétrico y batimétrico de la avenida caracas comprendido entre la Estación Molinos-Portal Usme, Yomasa y la calle 84 sur entre Yomasa y nuevo patio en una extensión de 7.5 km
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The present report corresponds to the development of work of degree in the modality of internship, carried out in the facilities of the entity RODRIGO A. VILLABONA INGENIEROS S.A.S. The report contains the development of Topographic, Aerophotogrammetric and Bathymetric activities developed in response to the IDU's need to spatially identify the area of influence of the project called: "UPDATE, COMPLEMENTATION, ADJUSTMENTS OF THE STUDIES AND DESIGNS OF THE EXTENSION AND EXTENSION OF THE TRUNK CARACAS BETWEEN THE MOLINOS STATION UNTIL THE PORTAL USME- UPDATE, COMPLEMENTATION, ADJUSTMENT OF FEASIBILITY AND STUDIES AND DESIGNS FROM YOMASA TO THE NEW PATIO AND COMPLEMENTARY WORKS IN BOGOTÁ DC ". This area covers a total area of 7.5 km, covering the entire Caracas Avenue, from the Transmilenio station "Molinos", located at 51 Sur Street between Carrera 9 and Carrera 7, until it intersects with Avenida Boyacá in the Yomasa neighborhood. , where it is diverted in a southerly direction by 84 South Street or better known as Vía al Llano, up to Carrera 5 Este, between Streets 88 and 83b South, where it is planned to build the new yards of the Transmilenio firm for its automotive.The present project contemplates the surveying of the various geographical, landscape and structural components present in the area, together with the procedures, calculations and technical specifications that were taken into account for the satisfactory development of each one of the activities carried out, in order to obtain a total of one hundred and twenty thousand points of spatial information in 3D 3D dimension. For the development of the different activities, technical support was required in the regulations required by the IDU Urban Development Institute (2016), regarding the development of the wet network inventory, the formats granted by the Water and Sewerage Company were accepted. from Bogota.In compliance with the aforementioned regulations, it was necessary to materialize 28 plates, which were triangulated based on the Bogotá 17 and Bogotá 18 plates certified by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC), anchoring the project to the Magna Coordinates system. SIRGAS. Said plates were marked with the name of "CTC Consortium" and additional to this; the IDU contract number "1109-2016" was marked followed by the GPS plate number to be materialized. As for its materialization, it was carried out in compliance with the minimum distance range of 300 meters and maximum distance of 700 meters, with optimal inter-visibility between pairs of plates, for the development of each one of the 14 polygons made, which were executed by direct and inverse measurement methods, providing the client with a satisfactory level of reliability, with accuracies higher than 1: 20,000, which was the one required by the consultant. In front of the leveling of the polygonal deltas, the point B10-CM-15 certified by the IGAC was started. From there, several geometric leveling circuits were developed that met the precision standards, where the maximum admissible error for the consulting entity was +/- 0.012 per Kilometer.
Finally, in addition to the topographic processes, it was necessary to make an orthophoto that would serve as a visual support for the understanding of the spatial distribution of the roads, houses, parks, bodies of water, which were measured by bathymetric means, contributing to Designers information regarding the distribution of Quebrada Chuniza and Yomasa, for the generation of canalization works in the sectors of intersection.