Implementación de propuesta metodológica para la inclusión de las servidumbres de las líneas de transmisión de energía eléctrica en los instrumentos de planificación territorial de los municipios del área de influencia de interconexión eléctrica S.A. E.S.P - ISA
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In the present document a proposal is made that develops the inclusion of the easements of the electric power transmission lines in the territorial planning instruments of the municipalities of the area of influence of Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. ESP - ISA, hereinafter ISA, through the evaluation of the elements that intervene in the electric power transmission process and the analysis of the normative components that represent the presence of ISA in the municipalities in which these lines intervene, in addition to the analysis of the instruments of territorial planning of the municipalities that are part of the area of influence of ISA to determine which are the changes of land uses considered as critical in the process of transmission of electrical energy. Currently the areas of easement of the electric power transmission lines, belonging to ISA and which are managed, maintained and operated by InterColombia S.A. E.S.P. in Colombia, they are located in 351 municipalities throughout the country, with an approximate length of 10,683 km of lines in operation and 93 substations, which are structurally formed by substations, towers and electrical wiring. For which it is necessary to use tools such as geographic information systems for the delimitation and spatial determination of easements and the transmission network. The territorial planning instruments provided by each corresponding mayor's office allow us to analyze current current uses and possible changes in use considered critical for ISA. What is intended by the realization of this document is the proposal of a methodological proposal that is transversal to the processes of transmission of electrical energy and to the determination of the uses within the territorial planning instruments, in search of the specific normative incorporation of servitudes and their corresponding assignment as a new use in territorial planning instruments.