Apoyo en la estructuración cartográfica de áreas homogéneas de tierras con fines multipropósito según estándares establecidos por el Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi
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The Homogeneous Land Areas (AHT) are those rural areas with similar conditions related to climate, relief, parental material, and characteristics of the soil, which define the productive capacity of the land based on the potential value. The AHT information is crucial to the information and cadastral updates processes at the rural level. However, in the frame of the Multipurpose Cadaster Policy, it is attempted that this information be an essential tool in the formulation and implementation of public policies, thus giving a better efficiency in the real estate market, the development, and land use planning. (IGAC, 2020). Taking into account what it has said, it is vital to give the support in those actions aimed to cartographic structure of the multipurpose AHT based on the standards established by the Agustin Codazzi Geographical Institute through activities such as search, compilation and analysis information from the assigned municipalities, besides the review and construction of final products required to the development of the thematic cartography. As the final outcome, the documents and graphic outputs related to the Municipality of Timbiquí are delivered, plus the partial structuration of seven municipalities more in terms of AHT and the cartographic structuring of the land potential usage of Covarachía and Iza.