Modelo de gobernanza del agua en un humedal urbano: un caso de estudio en el Burro, Bogotá-Colombia
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Governance is a strategy used internationally that allows associating various actors in society such as the State, the private sector and citizens, in order to promote networks to manage water resources, starting from the proposal of new policies or strategies, of the culture of water, of the evaluation of existing policies, among other factors, that allow achieving the sustainable development of the water mirror. Therefore, in the present investigative work, the objective is to propose a water governance model for the El Burro wetland in the city of Bogotá, which seeks to solve problems such as pollution by wastewater dumping, inadequate waste disposal solid, the inadequate management of the State to mitigate them, among others. In this sense, to identify the best water governance model for the El Burro Wetland, a literature review was carried out, then a characterization of the study site through surveys and finally, a modelling of future scenarios for the proposal of the water governance model through the Vensim program. As a result, it is found that the problems are being mainly handled by foundations or by environmental leaders of the wetland, the citizen participation that is evident is promoted by these actors and the perception that there is regarding the functions carried out by the State is not positive. Likewise, when simulating the governance model of the wetland, it is found that linking various sectors of society in the administration of the El Burro Wetland would show a progressive reduction of the problems, improving and strengthening the management that it presents, this, thanks to the implementation of the integrated management model proposed by Guhl.