Análisis de sostenibilidad en la conservación y restauración del suelo a partir de los métodos Rusle y la cartografía social en Suesca, Cundinamarca
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This study presents the results of the analysis of environmental sustainability in soil conservation and restoration. In order to reach the objective, the quantification of lost soil in the municipality of Suesca was carried out using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), which uses the physical parameters of rainfall, soil physical composition, topography, soil cover and land uses, parameters analyzed geographically. As a result, a map of critical erosion zones and a correlation analysis between the conflict of the agrological classification map and the current land use and coverage were generated, where it was concluded that the areas with the highest risk are those with pronounced slopes and exist uses different from those of forest conservation. In order to understand the different reasons for the change in land use and land use, a social cartography and interviews were carried out to understand the socioeconomic conditions and the relationship between nature and society in the erosion problem. With these results the objective of analyzing the environmental sustainability in the conservation and restoration of the soil is fulfilled, in addition a series of proposals of sustainable development are designed.