Interpretación y descripción de dos piezas para dueto de clarinetes y piano: "Acuarela" de Adolfo Mejía (arreglo) y "Mary" de Nelson Niño (composición)
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Nowadays there still exist musical dynamics and systems that are usually very closed in on themselves in an attempt to protect their tradition, historical ancestry and remain the same over time; this is the case, both in piano education and in many regional music genres in Colombia. However, this protectionism has been questioned by new generations of performers and composers in the spirit of continuing to build the way for new interpretations of traditional expressions. This degree work proposes the creation of two pieces that move away from the classical piano content through approaching to fusion music using jazz and Colombian rythms, specifically speaking, bambuco and pasillo. In its exploratory spirit, despite being written with the help of regional music components, the format that will be handled will not be the Andean string trio but one that distances itself from its traditional instrumentation. The central axis is based on creation from the experience gathered by a musician, not trained as a composer but as a pianist, and its results are the arrangement of the pasillo for symphonic band Acuarela, by the master Adolfo Mejía, and the composition of Mary, both written for clarinet duet in Bb and piano.