Apoyo administrativo en la creación del sistema municipal de parques del IMRDS
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The purpose of this report is to show the different events that took place in the professional practice period, internship modality, held at the Municipal Institute for Recreation and Sport of the municipality of Soacha Cundinamarca, which presents a lack of scope to diagnose scenarios and sports environments in the different communes, therefore the large people number in the territory makes it more difficult to cover the entire population with the respective recreational and sports activities, for this reason many of them do not have access to this benefit of the practice in a suitable space. Within this framework, support was given to the entity, directed in the scenarios coordination unit, focused on the area of creation and contribution of the basic document of the Municipal Park System in order to give a coherent structure to the text, Likewise, the analysis, research and written interventions on the subject are specified, and each scenario was also diagnosed by commune, which allows to have a more accurate order the location and state of each park. The fundamental value is based on how the stages of the process are reflected in each step that is taken towards the creation of the document, in a more administrative order that allows to have greater knowledge of the territory from the by scenarios and parks, leading to establishing a control to each to provide you with better opportunities that cover more population in sports recreation activities. Finally, it has a very interesting pillar in front of the community because it encourages the community to participate in different dynamics, making all areas at the municipality be used correctly by its people and also the territory is taking an essential form with a belonging sense to the municipality and its space.