Línea Base del Reglamento Técnico de Etiquetado – RETIQ con el Fin de Utilizar la Energía de Manera Eficiente en Equipos de Uso Final
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In Colombia, and in the world in general, high energy consumption generates large amounts of CO2 that lead to the deterioration of the ozone layer with serious consequences for the environment such as global warming and climate change. With the current policies to promote the preservation of the environment and the creation of programs to stimulate the rational use of energy, it seeks to encourage efficient energy management as the relationship between environmental deterioration and consumption is evident energetic. As a result of this, the Reglamento Técnico de Etiquetado (RETIQ) is applied to equipment of end use. Through labeling, end-user support is provided to enable the user to have comparable information on the general characteristics of the equipment, which will enable him to select between equipment that offers the same but more efficient performance. The document aims to present the current state of the introduction of energy labeling in end-use equipment, such as refrigerators, washing machines or air conditioners in the Colombian market. In addition, generate different indicators in order to evaluate the characteristics of some RETIQ object products.