Evaluación del dimensionamiento de la laguna de oxidación, propuesta para el mejoramiento del sistema de tratamiento de agua residual del puesto de mando adelantado (PMAD) los Mangos
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The COING [Comando de Ingenieros del Ejército Nacional de Colombia] advance in researches to adecuate the residual water treatment plant of the PMAD [Puesto de mando adelantado] Los Mangos located in the military base (Tolemaida-Colombia). The COING suggestion is focused in the construction of an oxidation pond that can eliminate in natural form pathogens and organic material originated from the domestic activities of the military base. The BASEM [Batallón de Apoyo de Servicios para la Educación Militar] is the responsible now to follow the activities realized in the PMAD los Mangos, nevertheless, this military unit does not have enough technical information about the oxidation pond dimensions proposed by the COING; that is why an evaluation is realized according with the criteria established by the CEPIS [Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente], to guarantee viability, control and functionality of the oxidation pond. According with the physically and chemical parameters who assist the process and the characteristics of the design, was determined it is a facultative pond; it needs an hydraulic retention time standard into the range of 5 to 30 days however at the moment of the evaluation the results showed 2.71 days. To achieve with this criteria it is recommended to change the depth from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, having in mind that the hydraulic retention time depends on the form, size and liquid dispersed into the pond. Working with this changes will be obtained efficient removal processes in thermotolerant (fecal) coliforms and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD). To obtain better results in the residual water treatment it is necessary to have an optimal design and work periodically in the oxidation pond maintenance, to avoid problems like water eutrophication, blockages, membrane structure rupture and vectors.