Formulación del Plan de Manejo Integral de Residuos Sólidos en el Centro de investigaciones y Altos Estudios Legislativos -CAEL-
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The Center for Research and Higher Legislative Studies -CAEL- is the official body of legislative knowledge of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, in accordance with Law 2165 of 2021, which seeks to strengthen congressional functions through the articulation between the congress and academia through the generation of scientific and research supports with the support of higher education institutions. Due to the growth of CAEL's work team, the amount of waste generated has become an environmental problem due to the lack of measures and knowledge regarding its proper management and disposal, so this internship develops a proposal for the Waste Management Plan. Comprehensive Waste Management (PMIR), applying the respective regulations to guarantee the proper management of waste generated in the CAEL. The development of the internship was carried out in three phases: i) A diagnosis of the current situation of solid waste management was carried out, carrying out field inspections to obtain information regarding the types of waste that are generated, the number of bins, separation at source and final disposal. In addition, a survey was conducted among staff to obtain information on their knowledge about solid waste management. On the other hand, the characterization of solid waste for a month, where it was determined that 38% is recyclable material and 25%, which corresponds to organic waste, has potential for use. ii) Through an analysis carried out in the diagnosis, the strategies to be implemented, through programs, were determined to solve the identified problems corresponding to separation at the source, waste minimization, use of paper, internal waste collection route. waste and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE. iii) Finally, the content of the necessary training was structured so that waste management is carried out appropriately by all CAEL personnel. Two training sessions were carried out, with the participation of 62% and 86% of the staff, where practical guidelines and recommendations could be shared to facilitate the application of the programs.