Estudio patológico Edificio Central Facultad de Artes ASAB de la Universidad Francisco José de Caldas
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The present work has as purpose to develop the evaluation and the pathological diagnosis of the central building of the Faculty of Arts (ASAB) of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, located in Carrera 13 # 14 - 69 in the La Capuchina neighborhood in Bogotá. The justification of this work is based on the fact that in the Faculty of Arts of the District University, different pathological damages are observed that are deteriorating the architectural finishes and can affect the structural elements of the building and being this building belonging to the Heritage of Bogota's architectural conservation buildings must be conserved as an element that represents a high historical and architectural value for the city's urban evolution.The main objective of the research is to carry out a pathological study of the physical plant of the aforementioned building, in order to develop a rehabilitation plan in which solutions to the pathological damages existing in the building are presented without altering its architectural concept. The research approach is developed in an explanatory way because it aims to generate an analysis around the causes of the pathological damage that affects the building to intervene, it is also correlated because the variables around which the research is developed have a direct dependence relationship, where the rehabilitation plan to be elaborated depends on the causes of the pathological damages found in the diagnostic phase. It is important to mention that within the present study the seismic vulnerability analysis of the building is not carried out, which is of vital importance to propose an alternative of structural reinforcement, however in the document the process required to develop said structural analysis is described.