Análisis de los Proyectos Educativos Ambientales Escolares (PRAE) de dos instituciones educativas en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C y el municipio de Soacha durante el año 2018
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For the purposes of this study, a qualitative research approach with descriptive elements is implemented, the results of which are presented in the following document, which is structured in five main chapters. In chapter one, reference is made to the justification of the problem and the objectives that guide the work. In the second chapter the theoretical framework is presented where this research is immersed, related to the regulations that govern environmental education projects (PRAE) at the national and district levels, the clarification of the definition of a school environmental project and its relationship with formal education, the national environmental education policy, decree 1743 of 1994 and finally the description of the criteria of contextualization, participation and transversality. In the third chapter, the methodological aspects are presented: such as the characterization of the institutions, the study sample, the research context, the approach of the problem, the sources consulted and the phases of the investigation. In chapter four the results found in this research are detailed, starting with a preliminary characterization of the two institutions through the proposal of a SWOT matrix, defining the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities found in the PRAES analysis. general description of the structural analysis carried out on the PRAE documents of the two educational institutions with respect to the guidelines established in the National Environmental Education Policy and Decree 1743 of 1994 and finally in this chapter the conceptions that the educational community has from of the application of surveys aimed at elementary, primary and secondary educators, leaders of the school environmental project and the student population, where the main purpose is to investigate and examine the perception of the environmental educational projects of the two educational institutions with respect to to n Level of compliance with the criteria that were handled in the investigation. Finally, in chapter five, the conclusions and implications found in the research are made known by means of which, according to the results found, different pedagogical strategies that institutions can adopt for the improvement of Environmental Projects will be allowed. School PRAES.