Evaluación del Plan de Mejoramiento de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital (UAECD) En Ejecución Del Plan De Auditoria Distrital (PAD 2016) Adelantado por la Contraloría de Bogotá D.C.
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Improvement Plan, under Law 1474 of 2011, through which the rules aimed at strengthening the mechanisms for the prevention, investigation and punishment of acts of corruption and the effectiveness of public administration are held. In this case, the Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital - UAECD was the control subject was part of the verification of tax inspection by the Comptroller of Bogotá D.C.. In resolution 069 of 2015, the formulation for parameters , modification, monitoring and evaluation improvement plan subscribing subjects fiscal surveillance and control of the Contraloría de Bogotá D.C., derivatives of regularity and performance audits, the subject of analysis of this work. Improvement Plan where 63 findings with corresponding corrective actions were reviewed, the audit team found a lack of controls and insufficient data in some areas responsible for monitoring the actions that led to the determination of the final status of the findings by part of this monitoring body. The evaluation focused on the irregularities evidenced in the process of participation in the effect of added value and the lack of procedure in the development of agreements with multilateral banks; regarding the review of the inconsistencies contained in the bases of the UAECD, observations to the determination of special values, the record current property tax rating and evaluating the changes reflected in the rateable base cut July 2016 , regard to the database with cutting Dec. 31, 2015, in order to determine changes in property valuation and its impact on the settlement of the unified property tax.