Cuando me castigan. Imaginarios sociales de niños y niñas sobre el castigo físico
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Abstract The research work presented here, entitled “When they punish me”, aims to unveil the social imaginaries that a group of boys and girls have about physical punishment used as a parenting practice. This in light of a theory of social imaginaries that comes from Castoriadis (1975), adducing the social imaginary as the magma of meanings that are in constant movement and taking for research the concept of Escobar (2000) where the imaginary is a set of images mental events that occur in society, being transmitted in it. To unveil these imaginaries of boys and girls about physical punishment, taking into account their central role in the processes of upbringing and training, a qualitative and interpretive approach is taken as a methodological proposal, using interactive instruments for the collection of information such as a survey, iconographic workshop and role play. After this, the information is systematized with classification categories in terms of instituted and instituting imaginaries, to finally make an interpretation and conclusions that show us that boys and girls have different imaginaries regarding physical punishment, with some that indicate justification, dislike and questioning towards the same; in addition to other findings that denote them as critical and reflective subjects before phenomena or social practices of this nature.