La stand up comedy como mediación comunicativa, pedagógica y cultural
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Framed in the scenic oral narrations, stand up comedy and its elements such as humor type of discourse, verbal and corporal language, [a fundamental part of human interaction], are characterized as a representation that involves a communicative action from the comedian, in which his identity prevails, with the purpose of addressing an audience to spread a specific message. Therefore in the field of education communication, stand up comedy for being taken as a form of mono-managed speech, but at the same time interactive, that generates reflection and critical opinion on the part of the audience to which it is addressed, and which is presented to young people through the usual and accessible communication media for them, such as television or the Internet, makes it be considered that, this representation and its contents serve like support of a pedagogical proposal in the field of education, relating elements of the culture, the social thing and the political thing, with imaginary and subjectivities of young people, allowing them as citizens of the environment they inhabit to express these communicative experiences.