Pasantía Realizada en el Contrato 3818 De 2015 Suscrito Entre el Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte y el Consorcio Parque Gustavo Uribe.
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Gustavo Uribe Park Consortium, is a company incorporated in order to carry out the design and construction of the Zonal Park Gustavo Uribe Botero, located in Bogotá D.C., in the locality of Chapinero. This consortium gives the position of civil assist the intern Lina Maria Boatmen in order to perform constant accompaniment to Project Director, Ing. Luis Fernando Alarcon and likewise answer for matters or documents required administrative and financial order. Dividing the work in field and office activities. Among the tasks performed by the intern, the coordination of the activities carried out by the various professionals involved in the stage designs Park Gustavo Uribe, in order to obtain a product which define fully the monolithic operation of all is architectural and technical aspects (hydraulic, structural, geotechnical and electrical) and between this activity, there are the study and plan review, the organization of the deliverables stage designs and format correspondence control for monitoring them. Additionally, due to drawbacks presented in the beginning stage of the through it poses a new programming said step of studies and designs. In parallel, based on the deliverables of studies and designs (architectural preliminary geotechnical proposal, hydraulic proposal, electric proposal and structural proposal) the intern performs the calculation of quantities of work which is adjusted according to the final designs (and approved by auditing and entity), that for proper development of the budget and the price of materials used in the construction stage of the project; concerning the price of the materials, the intern prepares a list of suppliers (cost ratio) which contains a compilation of all the necessary data (cost, payment, contact numbers, etc.) of potential providers materials, and the hyperlink to review the contributions made is included, which are in the general corporate network.