Determinación las tasas de capitalización de renta para bodegas en la localidad de Puente Aranda y la zona industrial de Montevideo de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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Puente Aranda and Montevideo industrial zone are an important economic focus to the city of Bogota because the advantages that geographically offers, mainly to the closeness with the El Dorado International Airport, witch it's allows to the interested investors in know the warehouse rentability given this condition, allow the products commercialization to import or export. Following the guidelines of the Resolution 620 of 2008 from Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, the calculation of the capitalization rates will be made through the method decreed in the Article 2 of this administrative act and the Manual of Physical Homogeneous Zones from the same institution. This, in order to evaluate the economic dynamic of this zone because there are not economic studies that have the technical rigor to understand this behavior. In order to evaluate the impact of the variables taken into account to the rates calculation, was appealed econometric analysis that allows to understand how significant are those variables taken into account for the rates calculation given market conditions and the expertise of professionals in the area of interest.