Apoyo al desarrollo de las actividades del plan institucional de gestión ambiental - PIGA de la contraloría de Bogotá D.C en lo relacionado con los programas uso eficiente de agua y consumo sostenible
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The Comptroller is a public entity that has the administrative and budgetary autonomy sufficient to fulfil its functions as fiscal entity of the economic resources executed in different projects and others dictated in the agreement 664 of the 28 of March 2017-"where the regulations governing the Organization and functioning of the Bogotá comptroller are dictated". As an entity it welcomed environmental responsibility to contribute to the preservation, conservation and efficient use of natural resources, so it was included an environmental policy in its institutional strategic Plan 2016-2020, which makes the entity comply with the set in it.
According to the above, it was documented the institutional Plan of environmental management-PIGA of the Comptroller of Bogotá, guided by resolution 242 of 2014-" by which are adopted the guidelines for the formulation, concertation, implementation, evaluation, Control and monitoring of the institutional Plan of Environmental Management "and Decree 456 of 2008-" by which the institutional Plan of environmental management of the Capital district was established ", it is to be emphasized that the entity by being in jurisdiction of the Capital District must To hold on and work in harmony for the fulfillment of the objectives and goals established in Decree 456.
In compliance with document PIGA-2016-2020, annual action plans were established where the main objective is to develop each of the activities raised (annual, semiannual or quarterly), to do the respective documentation, taking evidence and the functional analysis of the Plan. With this the preparation for the annual audit, executed by the district Secretary of Environment. The PIGA Working Group at the Bogotá Comptroller is formed by an appropriate university professional and students from the Francisco José de Caldas District University, who are responsible for supporting the development of the activities raised and as well as final product of the internship offer a plan of improvement to each weakness found.