Viabilidad técnica y económica del proceso de compostaje empleando microorganismos eficientes para el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá
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The Bogotá Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis (JBB) has a technical subdirectorate, in it is the Urban Agriculture program. In this is the area of use and transformation of plant residues and renewable energy, where different processes and techniques are carried out, such as composting, gasification and bio-digestion, for the use and exploitation of plant residues such as branches, lawn mowing, garden residues, trunks and road sweeps, which are the product of the maintenance of the different garden facilities.The composting process carried out in the botanical garden is directed in two techniques. The first is traditional, where all the plant material is collected in piles, decomposition phases are carried out, under controlled processes for an average of six months, so that this material becomes fertilizer. The second EM (efficient microorganisms) composting technique that the botanical garden is implementing was developed by Dr. Teruo Higa at Ryukyus University, Okinawa, Japan, and the study was completed in 1982. The fundamental principle of this technology was the introduction of a group of beneficial microorganisms to improve soil conditions, speed up the decomposition process of organic matter, suppress putrefaction (including diseases) and improve the efficiency of the use of organic matter by plants. (MS Technology Guide (2016). Simultaneously with the composting process, a detailed production cost study is carried out, analyzing the unit cost of each process, activity or input used for the production of compost, taking into account the two variables of the experimental design in order to compile each data in an Excel document in which each of the 9 activities that were carried out in the compost production process is taken into account, the result of this analysis is used to make adjustments in the process of production by art of the managers of the area of use of the botanical garden of Bogotá.