La radio comunitaria como escenario educomunicativo para democratizar la palabra y el acceso a la educación en adolescentes y jóvenes de Ibagué
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The following document seeks to account for the research process - creation carried out as a degree work for the master's degree in communication and education of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, which addresses the problem of access to education and the democratization of the word in adolescents and young people from Ibagué, based on the scenario generated from the COVID-19 pandemic. The problem in question is approached from the paradigm of communication - education, the concept of democracy, the school - city relationship and finally, from the perspective of collaborative work and networking. In accordance, the design and creation of a community radio station with an educational focus is proposed within a type of qualitative study, of an exploratory/descriptive nature, which seeks to derive the viability of this tool in the indicated context. As a result, the "Memorias" Magazine is presented, which, in its first edition, systematizes the advances in the consolidation process of the appropriation and management community of the first educational community station in Ibagué. Thus, the creative product "Memorias" is shown as an interactive and hypermedia text, in which different narrative formats converge, such as scripts, anecdotal stories, podcasts, photographs, interviews, illustrations, articles, letters, among others, without losing sight of that it is an unfinished and incipient process that intends to continue consolidating itself over time.