Estimación de la Huella Hídrica y Huella de Carbono de la ciudad de Bogotá generada en el año 2014
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This document presents the estimate of the Water Footprint and Carbon Footprint of Bogotá city generated in the year 2014. The water footprint is defined in a simplified way as an indicator of consumption and pollution of freshwater. Composed by three variables, the blue water footprint referred to the consumption of superficial or underground freshwater, the grey footprint described as the volume of water that is needed to assimilate a pollution load and the green footprint, defined as the rainwater incorporated into agricultural products. Four sectors were selected to evaluate the type of corresponding footprint in each one: sector domestic, industrial, agricultural and solid waste. The total water footprint of the evaluated sectors was estimated in 9.489,588 millions of m3, where the sector of higher footprint was the agricultural with 4.555,143 millions of m3, followed by the solid waste and industrial sectors. According to the type of footprint the major quantity of contributions to the total of the city are the grey and the green one, with 51,78 % and 39,47 % respectively. Finally, can be concluded the unsustainability of the water footprint and the vulnerability of the city opposite to the availability of the resource. The Carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that measures the quantity of Greenhouse Gases generated of direct and indirect form for anthropic activities. For this article there was estimated the emission produced in Bogotá, in the year 2014, based in the guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC, version 2006. The city’s Carbon footprint was estimated at 12.839.428,34 tCO2eq, where the largest contributor is land transport, with 40,22 %, among other identified sectors that produce great impact in the quality of the air.