Diversidad de Familias de Polillas Nocturnas (Lepidoptera) en la Vereda Buenavista, en el Municipio de VillaGómez, Cundinamarca
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The richness and diversity of organisms is associated with environmental changes and climatic factors such as altitude, determining the emergence of patterns of distribution and species groups. In this study two seasons with different land use and height (1759 and 1800 m), located in the village of Buenavista, the municipality of Villagomez, Cundinamarca, Colombia were compared using two traps 15 w LED light separated at a distance of 50 m; at each station sampling was performed in four different lunar phases, between 18:00 and 22:00, with another stretch of 3:30 to 5:30 a.m., in order to present a list of families collected for the sampling site, evaluate the alpha and beta diversity assembly and further compare the lunar influence on the activity of the collected nocturnal Lepidoptera. 174 individuals represented in nine (9) macropolillas families were captured: 35 Crambidae, 23 Geometridae, Noctuidae 49 10 Erebidae, 4 Pterophoridae, 4 Pyralidae, 3 Sphingidae, 4 Saturniidae, 3 Lasicampidae (33 individuals were not taken into account for the shabby study sample). Rates richness and diversity Alfa which were characterized by high diversity and low dominance were applied, estimating an abundance of individuals to the area, were also applied to diversity Beta with the similarity index Jaccard J = 0.82 revealing that do not exist significant differences between the two stations. Additionally, it was clear that the lunar phase where most individuals were collected was 70 morphotypes moon, in contrast to what was found in the literature; although the moon phase that was more variation in the number individuals was collected in new moon, because lamp efficiency was higher compared to other lunar phases.