Digitalización, catalogación y transcripción de obras compuestas por ocho grandes artistas costeños destacados en la segunda mitad del siglo XX presentes en el Archivo sonoro Antonio Cuéllar.
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The Digitalisation, cataloguing and transcription of works composed by eight prolific artists from the Carribean Coast, prominent in the late twentieth Century and present in the Antonio Cuellar Sound Archives (Archivo Sonoro Antonio Cuellar), was realised in the Gabriel Esquinas Documentation Center (Centro de Documentación de las Artes Gabriel Esquinas) in the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Faculty of Arts (ASAB). This work offers the sound and image digitalisation of three hundred fourteen musical works of seven artists that were part of the group Los Corraleros de Majagual: Alfredo Gutiérrez, Calixto Ochoa, Aníbal Velásquez, Lisandro Meza, Eliseo Herrera, Cesar Castro, y Lucho Argaín, in addition to the saxophone and clarinet player Clímaco Sarmiento. Information about the composers and musicians of each of the digitalised pieces is also provided with the aim to widen the pre-existing catalogue. Finally, a musical transcription of four wind solos has been included which, due to is improvisatory language, is of great value in the study of these genres.