Apoyo para la zonificación ambiental del municipio de Albán, Cundinamarca, como componente esencial de la etapa de formulación en el proceso de revisión y ajuste de su esquema de ordenamiento territorial
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The main objective of this project is to design the Environmental Zoning for the municipality of Albán, Cundinamarca, as an essential component in the review and adjustment of its Territorial Land-Use Plan (EOT). The proposed methodology is divided into three fundamental stages: Territorial Information Management, Territorial State Assessment, and the Design of Activity Areas and Land-Use Regimes. In the first stage, normative, technical, and cartographic information related to land-use planning determinants within the municipality's jurisdiction was collected. This includes aspects such as the classification of land under the ongoing planning process. The second stage focused on the Territorial State Assessment, where the land-use planning determinants were identified, specifically their levels of restriction and conditioning. Subsequently, activity areas and land-use regimes were defined for the entire area of the municipality of Albán, based on the territory's potential and the land-use planning determinants. Finally, based on the territorial classification outlined in Article 10 of Law 388 of 1997 and its categories of protection, production, and restricted development, a recommended land-use map was created for the territory of Albán. It was found that 63% of the municipal area is subject to some land-use planning determinant (DOT), and 37% (1917.3 ha) was subject to zoning. From this latter area, the land-use and management regime was developed, resulting in 61% being designated for traditional agricultural and/or forestry use, and 38% being designated for semi-intensive agricultural and/or forestry use