Valoración Económica ex ante - ex post de la contaminación hídrica por explotación minera de carbón en la Quebrada la Trapichera, Occidente del departamento de Boyacá
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The present work of degree in thesis modality has the purpose of economically assessing the loss of water quality of the La Trapichera stream located west of the department of Boyacá, due to the exploitation of anthracite coal. Seven variables of physical-chemical quality were analyzed, which allowed us to identify the conditions of the stream at two different times, ex - ante exploitation and ex - post. For the development of this research, Ex-Ante was performed with a regression of 8 years based on the results of laboratory samples and the IRCA index. For the Ex-Post, a projection of 32 years was made, by which time it is once the license was approved, annual growth rates were used for this, once the projections had been made and the final contamination values had been determined, the respective assessment was carried out. Finally, the assessment was developed through the methodology of prevention, restoration or replacement expenses, the costs associated with the recovery of the ravine of the mill were identified, based on the contamination rates and the projected costs, to determine the total value. After the loss of the ravine by 2049, later econometric modeling was developed in which the direct relationship between the alteration of the 7 parameters (independent variables) with the alteration of costs (dependent variable) can be identified.