Adaptación a la batería de patrones rítmicos de acompañamiento en los géneros pasillo y bambuco, partiendo del análisis de las obras “El Calavera” y “El Republicano”.
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This research seeks to adapt drum rhythmic patterns in the genres pasillo and bambuco, based on the analysis of the works "El calavera" and "El republicano". It is gestated from the need to make a contribution to the interpretation of these genres in the drum, continuing its consolidation within the cultural heritage of the nation. This paper takes a tour of the origins of pasillo and bambuco genres in Colombia, establishing transformations that have had from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century, analyzing traditional instrumental formats and subsequent adaptations that are made according to the sounds and needs of each time. It ends with the musical analysis of two works, identifying determining musical elements for the process of adapting rhythmic patterns to the drums. For this purpose, the consultation of various bibliographical sources and the analysis of audiovisual material of proposals for musical groups of the genres aisle and bambuco in the country was made, establishing a starting point for the adaptation process. This research brings a current vision to traditional Colombian music and is the starting point for later contributions to the genres of Hall and Bambuco in Colombia.