Diversidad De Mariposas En Un Paisaje Del Bosque Seco Tropical, En La Mesa De Los Santos, Santander, Colombia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea).
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A study of butterflies diversity of in a landscape of tropical dry forest in the Mesa de los Santos (Santander), taking 36 days of sampling data was conducted between the months of IX-XI-2014, at the time of highest rainfall. The specimens were collected with entomological net and six Van Someren-Rydon baited traps, at three altitudinal bands (280-500 m, 680-900 m and 1100-1200 m), in two 100 x 10 meter transects, separated by 200 meters in each one of three selected land covers (developmental stages) types (mature forest, transition and grasslands). A total of 1389 individuals distributed in five families, 85 genera, 121 species and 48 subspecies were collected. Highest diversity and species richness values were found at 680-900 m while lower values appeared at 280-500 m. Beta diversity show the presence of a single community and an intermediate turnover in species composition in the different altitudinal bands. Similarity analysis differentiated two altitudinal groups: the first one between 280-900 m and the second one between 1100-1200 m. Correspondence analysis selected the butterfly numbers with regard to developmental stages and presented different butterfly groups in the land covers as well as their relation with the structure and floristic composition of each one of them. Unique species were also recorded by developmental stage, (BM): Dione moneta, Eunica Monima, Zizula cyna, Marpesia chiron; (BT): Euptoieta hegesia, Heraclides homothoas; (P): Battus polydamas, Hamadryas feronia, Pyrisitia venusta. Additionally, the distribution range of Yphthimoides blanquita was expanded to the Eastern Cordillera, recognized only in areas Bs-T in western Colombia and in the Cordoba department. This result, present the relevance of the different land covers in transformed landscapes, as a refuge for butterfly species biodiversity and their conservation.