Apoyo a la contraloría de Bogotá en la auditoría de regularidad ante la Secretaria Distrital de Hacienda, vigencia 2017, con énfasis en contratación pública, plan de mejoramiento y control fiscal interno
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The project was carried out based on support to the Contraloría of Bogotá D.C., in the Treasury Department, Regularity Audit to the District Department of Finance, PAD 2018. The Contraloría of Bogotá, supported by the auditing groups, investigates and identifies the fiscal gaps found in the District Treasury Secretariat (SDH), in our case intervening as support in three specific topics such as: Those belonging to the internal fiscal control, emphasizing the control of the collection of the Unified Land Tax (IPU) in the properties that present inaccuracy in their payments for the 2011 term, it is worth noting a loss of public resources of $329,623,801, because these debts prescribed the performance of the SDH. Additional for 2017, 289 requests from taxpayers for the payment for participation in goodwill were evaluated, evidencing that 48.44% of the requests are answered in a term superior to the legal one (15 business days). Disrupting the service to the citizen, and influencing the low collection for the concept of participation in surplus value. Follow up on the compliance of the Improvement Plan in the 2014 - 2017, on the corrective actions of the findings found in the past audits, open to 2017 and with a degree of completion of 100%. Resulting in 87% management, which does not comply with the approval. Conduct review of the status of direct contracting, aimed at those concluded with ESRI Colombia S.A.S., Pro Cálculo and Prosis, together with the Telecommunications Company of Bogotá ETB. Obtaining 4 Findings with Criminal, Fiscal and Disciplinary Incident. According to these actions, irregularities in the SDH's actions were determined, guaranteeing a correct surveillance by the Contraloría of Bogotá D.C.