Análisis de los impactos socioambientales del sistema productivo de papa (solanum tuberosum l.) en el Páramo El Tablazo, Vereda Pantano de Arce, Municipio de Subachoque
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The moor is strategic ecosystem due to their high potential for water storage and regulation. Currently, potato cultivation in the páramos is generating a large number of environmental and social impacts, in which they are found: The increase of the agricultural frontier, imbalances in the ecosystem, affect on water sources and soil, topographic, floristic and faunal impacts by the use of agricultural machinery and finally the incidence of diseases by the chemical input of fertilizers and pesticides for these crops. For this reason, the objective of this grade work is to analyze the socioenvironmental impacts on the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) productive system in the El Tablazo moor, Arce swamp, Subachoque Municipality. In order to meet this objective, the type of research will include a qualitative evaluative study. The methodological design is divided into three phases: Phases 1) Preparatory Phase: compilation and analysis of secondary information and survey design; 2) Field Implementation Phase: visits to the study area, application of the surveys, preparation of photographic records and georeferencing; 3) Data Processing Phase and Generation of Results: characterization of the socio-agronomic units, weighting of the impact generated and proposal of improvement alternatives. The main results obtained in the present research work is that about 68% of the productive systems in the El Tablazo moor are tenant-raditional, on the other hand, it is evident that the components with a high impact are the soil and socioeconomic components, under the activities of soil preparation, application of pesticides, generation of employment and effect on the health of workers. Additionally, four alternatives for socio-environmental improvement were proposed, focused on sustainable development and the promotion and potentiation of the strengths and opportunities of the administrative, environmental, social and economic factors of the area under study. Concluding in this way that the papero sector is one of the agrarian lines with greater affectation to the ecosystems of paramo and that by means of the proposed alternatives a reduction to the analyzed socio-environmental impacts can be generated.