Estado poblacional y algunos aspectos de la ecología del Ocarro Priodontes maximus (Kerr, 1792) en Puerto Gaitán (Meta-Colombia)
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Considering the generalized lack of knowledge regarding Priodontes maximus and the danger situations that it has to face as over hunting and habitat modification, particularly in Orinoquia as a result of the crop intensification and activities for hydrocarbon extraction, that not only affect its population but habitats in general, it was decided to conduct a study to describe and analyze some aspects of the ecology In situ of the giant armadillo in a place located in the Colombian Orinoco and then, it was evaluated the local communities understanding about these armadillos. Camera trapping technique was implemented to estimate the population density and the patterns of activity of Priodontes in a riparian forest in Puerto Gaitán (Meta). With a sampling process of 1,335 nights, 426 records (photographs and videos) are obtained, grouped into 78 independent events (event with correlated records), which were used to individualize specimens and estimate the periods of activity (N=50). As a result, 1-11 individuals were identified in an area of 189 km2, obtaining the first records of wild offspring in Colombia. It was estimated a relative population density of 5.8 animals/100 km2. Likewise, the nocturnal habits reported in literature are confirmed and it is reported an increased activity from 22:00 to 00: 00 hours. It was carried out a census of burrows (N=157) which 29 were monitored by camera traps in order to analyze the use made by Priodontes and other vertebrates in them. It was demonstrated that giant armadillos prefer to use old and recent burrows remaining until eight days without leaving them, more than 30 species of vertebrates use these excavations were identified. A female giant armadillo was radio-tracked with the purpose of expanding the study area and identify new burrows, however, it had a lost contact for a short period of time because the specimen came out of the reach of the researcher. On the other hand, it was designed and implemented a trap to catch the Priodontes, in order to establish strategies to facilitate their study under natural conditions. Finally, it was carried out a process of increase awareness and socialize this issue with the local communities, it associated with the different problems faced by giant armadillos. Promoting a conservation actions for the species, as well as the consolidations of arguments scientific arguments that allow making decisions in the development and execution of subsequent plans, programs and policies of conservation by environmental authorities.