Apoyo y soporte técnico en las labores de ingeniería desde el componente geográfico para la determinación de las zonas de reserva forestal susceptibles de sustracción, según ley 2ª de 1959 en el periodo 2014-2015; para los Convenios de Cbe e Ilsa (Rf Cocuy, Amazonia y Magdalena) y Convenios Pnud (Rf los Motilones y el Magdalena) y Cenigaa (Rf de la Amazonia, Municipio Acevedo y Pitalito)
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This project is carried out through an existing agreement between the Colombian Institute of Rural Development and the Francisco José de Caldas District University with the curriculum project of Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy with the purpose of supporting activities developed from engineering for the use of data geographic, performing a series of diagnoses and analysis in some of the work of the Institution, is carried out as a modality of degree to choose the title of engineer; was carried out in the sub-department of land of the institute, in the department of productive order, which was given support for the evaluation and standardization of information, in order to fully carry out the objectives present at the time of the realization of this internship.